AMtek 晶致半导体股份有限公司成立于公元1999年。专注在混合模式、模拟电路等IC设计,成功的将晶 致的IC产品应用在CD/VCD/DVD player及Scanner、Hall Sensor等马达驱动应用领域,并持续开发新的马达驱动核心技术等应用IC产品。
AMtek 晶致半导体的经营团队均来自国际知名大厂如PHILIPS与TI且主要的研发、生产、营销等高阶主管均拥有十年以上的丰富模拟IC产业经验。AMtek 晶致半导体经营理念一向秉持着国际观与世界观来展现现有本土企业无法突破进军国际市场的难点。AMtek 晶致半导体自成立以来,抱着以建立自有品牌,以世界级质量要求,进军国际市场为首要目标。目前AMtek 晶致半导体主要客户有Philips, Thomson等世界知名客户。自2000年起,AMtek 晶致有超过1千2百万颗马达驱动IC销往PHILIPS、THOMSON等世界大厂。另外,AMtek 晶致半导体有超过1千6百万颗以上的IC已售予SONY方案,以及2百万颗IC已售予SAMSUNG方案。AMtek 晶致更以专业IC设计能力与全球知名客户结合,发展新一代产品,使AMtek 晶致在Analog IC市场占有一席之地。
Since its founding in 1999 AMtek SEMICONDUCTORS CO., LTD. has successfully promoted the design and manufacturing capability of analog and Mixed Mode IC to CD/VCD/DVD player, Scanner and Hall Sensor application of motor driver and we still keep going on the innovation of core technology in Motor Driver.
AMtek capital investment is approximately USD$8,500,000 (NTD289,000,000) and core team members are from well known Philips and TI specialized in analog IC design, manufacturing process and marketing for ten years. AMtek's experience has identified a globalization company, which is able to adapt market we enter by producing top quality, price competitive products through advanced engineering expertise and world class manufacturing operations. From Y2000, we delivered more than 12 million motor driver IC to world class customers such as Philips, Thomson and more than 16 million pieces sold to SONY servo solution as well as 2 million sold to Samsung servo.Having the aim of being a leading world-class analog IC design house, we join IC design projects with world-class customers for next generation products.
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